100 days of plastic

Today, my dear readers, is a milestone. Today is my 100th day of Invisalign. 100 days of plastic. I thought I’d mark the occasion with a commemorative blog post, so here it is…

Some numbers

I’m on my 6th set of trays. I have 9 more to go on my bottom teeth, 11 more on top.

I have 4 attachments on my teeth – 3 on top and 1 on the bottom.

I’ve been wearing my aligners for 100 days. I have another 149 days to go (at least).

100 days is 2,400 hours. If I’d worn my aligners for 22 hours or more a day like a good girl, I’d have had plastic in my mouth for at least 2,200 hours. Let’s be realistic and guess that I’m nearer 2,000 hours (20 hours a day).

I brush my teeth on average 4 times a day (twice as much as I did pre-Invisalign).

I have 3 toothbrushes on the go – one in the bathroom at home, one I carry with me, and a softer kiddie’s brush I use to clean my trays.

5 people have asked what’s up with my teeth, or admitted they could see something after I told them I was wearing braces (pretty sure loads more have been too polite to say anything…)

I travel a little over 1 hour each way to my dental clinic in London, and have so far been there about 6 times (including initial consultation, replacing an attachment, getting impressions etc..) Read the rest of this entry »

And so it begins!

Hello all,

Welcome to my blog. Here I’ll be keeping a kind of diary of my experience with invisible braces (Invisalign) for the next year or so. When I was deciding whether to take the plunge and go for the braces, I was desperately trawling the web for information and reviews (particularly from the UK), so I figured I’d make it one blog easier for the next person.

Where am I up to?

My teeth

My teeth pre-Invisalign. Nice, huh? Click for full-size horror.

I had my impressions done about 7 weeks ago at a central London dental clinic and got my first set of trays a week ago today. Both my upper and lower teeth are wonky so I’ll be wearing braces on both. My last appointment went by in a bit of a rush, but I’m pretty sure the orthodontist said I had 30 trays to get through in total (15 top, 15 bottom), so I should be all done and dusted by this Christmas which’ll be nice!

The orthodontist put the first set of trays in for me, and showed me how to get them out (which involves using your fingernails – I’m a nail biter so it proved a little trickier). Luckily it hasn’t interferred with my speech at all – I was a bit worried about a lisp but I guess my mouth must just be big enough to take it 🙂 I’ve also not been dribbling, which I think I read some people have problems with at the start. Read the rest of this entry »